

What to expect…

Kate’s teaching style focuses on each person’s individual practice, reminding everyone that we are all at different places both on the mat & in life, that’s okay! We all struggle and we all fall.. it’s what we have in common. Fantasea Flows were created as an additional resource to help your personal practice grow at your own pace. Remember friends, sometimes you have to fall to fly!

Here you’ll find:

-an encouraging place to branch out & try something new.

-short, on demand, easy to follow flows

-modifications & challenges for your flow (spice it up or take it easy..it’s your flow)

-workshop videos with helpful exercises/drills for mobility & movement

-space to disconnent & hit the mental reset button

You asked for online flows that you could do at your own pace from the privacy of your own home…well here you go my friend, enjoy!! Sea you on the mat, flowmie!

Fantasea Flows
Every month

Yoga for everyone you can do anywhere.